Step 9: Deployemnt Slots

Deployment slot is the key feature in Azure that make the platform quite unique. With the abilities to switch slots, the site will be running 100% without any interruptions. This is a major improvement that put Azure in the top of the list when it comes to continuous software delivery.

Azure Portal:
* Add a deployment Slot QA-CM in Azure.
* Add deployment credentials for the newly added slot.

Step 10: SQL Databases

The default azure install come with preconfigured master, web and core database. We need to replicate these for the staging environment, in order to be completely separate from production environment.

Azure facilitate database replication. It is up to your team to use the right tool to replicate the databases. I recommend Azure portal.

Step 11: App Key Settings

We went through these steps to get to milestones that can facilitate our deployment. App Key Settings is a big Milestone. Azure is capable to switch the value of the predefined key settings depending on the environment and the deployment slot running it.

Add Key Values in web Config Locally.

Step 12: Local Key Setting

Each environment should output different value for the selected key. For a simple test, we will focus on the sample layout.aspx that should be the defaulted layout that sitecore have installed.

Install and run empty sitecore instance in your local machine.We will use FileZilla to download the entire solution To Temp Folder. Then, copy and Paste and Override into the intepub instance

The path to the layout is : layouts/Sample Layout.aspx

All we are doing in this example is outputting the Key value. Of course, if you project is MVC, you can use a similar technique.

Step 13: Local Changes

Build and publish your project using your local publishing profile. You should not have any problem since we are only modifying existing item. If you have problem at this point, go back to Step 1 and Follow the preceding steps.

Voila : You should see “Current Key is Local”
Step 14: QA Key Settings

Now comes the fun part. To change the value of the setting for qa environment should take around 2 minutes. Go back to Azure Portal, Add the key setting to QA-CM Slot and save changes.

If you migrate to qa site, the changes are there immediately. You can see now the power of Sitecore Azure.

Voila : You should see “Current Key is QA”

Step 15: Production Key Settings

To complete the demo, follow the same steps for QA Key Setting. However, this time choose the production deployment slot, not the qa deployment slot.

Voila : You should see “Current Key is Production”